Sunday, September 15, 2013

Goodbye Jeddah...

Dear Jeddah,

It’s hard to sit behind my laptop writing to you, because all at once I feel like leaving you will to be one of the hardest things I ever have to do.

So perhaps I shouldn’t begin by saying goodbye but by thanking you…

Thank you for the best and worst times of my life; thank you for five years of laughs, tears, memories and thank you most of all for the experience. I leave you, dearest Jeddah, stronger, wiser and more inquisitive. I leave you with ever more of an open mind and a careful heart. I leave behind some of the finest people I have met, and my better halves: my family, so please Jeddah be kind to them. I can only hope when you remember me you remember a girl who loved to smile and talk, who tried to succeed at everything she put her mind to and a girl who remained faithful and loyal to those she cared about the most. I may have cursed you and hurt you, for that I am sorry Jeddah, because as difficult and closed off as you may be at times, you are still my home… and I know no other place to call home.

But Jeddah, I am ready to leave you, not to start over, but to start new; not to forget but to build from everything you taught me. I am ready for the next big move- and I am ready, all thanks to YOU.

Please don’t forget me!


All my love,

1 comment:

Jimi said...

Dear Celine,

You have too much to offer the world. I suggest you go out and do that. Just do not forget that sparkling flame of thought that took you away from me. And never change your core self. I certainly won't. Tahlia street runs deep in my veins.


The Cee

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Writing is a vehicle of expression, not impression.