Everyone was meant for something, that's what we are brought up to assume, and we spend most of our life trying to sum up to that something. But most of the time we don't know what that something is. It's easy for Priests, they got it figured out, they are dedicated fully to God and serving the parish and their community- their something is selfless and holly. But what about the not so enlightened souls, what about the rest of us? What is our something and how are we ever going to become it?
I don't know what my something is, although ask me when I was a teen and I knew I wanted to be something big and important... It was easy then to dream big, it made you ambitious, drove you to college and lead you to graduating with a degree. But after college, after all homework assignments were handed in and exams were passed and you were booted into the real world, your something loses its grandeur, you realize that you have to pass through people like HR, sit in room with execs to impress them to land a job, or you join the family business- setting you up for life, so what if your something was meant to be an astronaut you are now going to be in the hospital equipment business. It's not easy to give up on your something, or to substitute it for a less glamorous something else.... it's not easy to stray away from the path you thought you had all figured out, it's not easy to become a something you don't recognize.
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